Pillars of Fire on the Earth - EBook


Have you ever prayed "How long O Lord must I cry for help" When we look around us and all we can see is the misery, destruction and violence we can be tempted to be discouraged and give up the fight.  BUT God has promised to raise up his people and to restore the honour of His name.

Before the 'Covid' situation God was preparing Audrey to speak and write about the coming storm that would come on the earth, the message God gave her was one of 'Preparation'.  She shares some of the revelation she received in 'Pillars of Fire' that will strengthen and encourage God's called and chosen people. This book is for those men and women who are called to carry God's presence to the lost and dying world in these last days.

In the words of Smyth Wigglesworth "It is better to live ready than to get ready!"




for a paperback printed copy please go to https://amzn.eu/d/6AeTEJl